
This is a library for building Bayesian embedded autoregressive (BEAR) models, proposed in Amin et al. (link TODO). It provides (1) a script for extracting summary statistics from large sequence datasets (which relies on KMC), (2) a python package with tools for building BEAR models in general (which relies on TensorFlow), and (3) scripts for training and evaluating specific example BEAR models. To use the package, follow the installation instructions and clone the package repository. To get started with an example dataset, jump to the tutorial.

Preprocessing sequence data

Extract summary statistics (kmer count transitions) from large nucleotide datasets in order to train BEAR models. Usage:

python file out_prefix [-l L] [-nf NF] [-r R] [-pr PR] [-mk MK] [-mf MF] [-p P] [-t T]



The input csv file with rows in the format FILE, GROUP, TYPE where FILE is a path, GROUP is an integer, and TYPE is either fa (denoting fasta) or fq (denoting fastq). Files with the same group will have their counts merged. All files must contain DNA sequences (A, C, G, and T alone).


The file name prefix (including path) for the output files.

-lint, default = 10

The maximum lag (the truncation level).


Do not count kmers in the forward direction.


Also run KMC including the reverse compliment of sequences when counting.


Do all lags for pre and full KMCs.

-mkfloat, default = 12

Maximum amount of memory available, in gigabytes (corresponding to the KMC -m flag).

-mffloat, default = 0.1

Maximum size of output files, in gigabytes.

-pstr, default = ‘’

Path to KMC binaries. If these binaries are in your PATH, there is no need to use this option.

-tstr, default = ‘tmp/’

Folder in which to store KMC’s intermediate results. A valid path MUST be provided.

You can run python -h for help and more advanced options.


A collection of files:

out_prefix_lag_1_0.tsv, ..., out_prefix_lag_1_N.tsv, ...,
out_prefix_lag_L_0.tsv, ..., out_prefix_lag_L_N.tsv

where L is the maximum lag and there are N total files for each lag. Each file is a tsv with rows of the format:

kmer        [[transition counts in group 0 files],[transition counts in group 1 files],...]

The symbol [ in the kmer is the start symbol. Each counts vector is in the order A, C, G, T, $ where $ is the stop symbol.


KMC discards kmers with more than 4 billion counts, which may lead to errors on ultra large scale datasets.


The script is not intended for use on sequence data with N symbols; it will run but will not handle such missing data carefully.


The output is not lexicographically sorted, nor uniformly randomized.

Building BEAR models


The bear_net submodule contains functions to train, evaluate, and deploy BEAR (and AR) models. Two example autoregressive functions are implemented in the submodule ar_funcs: a linear function and a simple convolutional neural network (CNN), bear_model.ar_funcs.make_ar_func_linear() and bear_model.ar_funcs.make_ar_func_cnn() respectively.

The standard workflow for training a BEAR model is to first load a file of preprocessed kmer transition counts using the dataloader submodule:

bear_model.dataloader.dataloader(file, alphabet, batch_size, num_ds, cache=True, header=False, n_par=1, dtype=tf.float64)[source]

Load counts data into tensorflow data object.


Location of counts data, which should be a tsv file with rows in the format: kmer_sequence counts_matrix, delimited by a tab.


One of ‘dna’, ‘rna’, ‘prot’.


By minibatching early, the counts matrices for multiple kmers may be decoded at once.


Number of columns in the count data. Ex: 3 for train, test and reference.

cachebool, default = True

Whether or not to cache the loaded data. Increases loading speed at the cost of memory.

headerbool, default = False

Whether or not there is a header in the counts data.

n_parint, default = 1

Number of parallel calls to turn counts matrix strings to tensors.

dtypedtype, default = tf.float64
datatensorflow data object

One element of the data is a list of batch_size kmers and a counts tensor of shape [batch_size, num_ds, alphabet_size+1].

If the counts are in a sparse format one may use

bear_model.dataloader.sparse_dataloader(file, alphabet, batch_size, num_ds, cache=False, header=True, n_par=1, dtype=tf.float64)[source]

Loads counts that are in sparse format into tensorflow data object.


Location of counts data, which should be a tsv file with rows in the format: kmer_sequence counts_matrix, delimited by a tab.


One of ‘dna’, ‘rna’, ‘prot’.


By minibatching early, the counts matrices for multiple kmers may be decoded at once.


Number of columns in the count data. Ex: 3 for train, test and reference.

cachebool, default = True

Whether or not to cache the loaded data. Increases loading speed at the cost of memory.

headerbool, default = False

Whether or not there is a header in the counts data.

n_parint, default = 1

Number of parallel calls to turn counts matrix strings to tensors.

dtypedtype, default = tf.float64
datatensorflow data object

One element of the data is a list of batch_size kmers and a counts tensor of shape [batch_size, num_ds, alphabet_size+1].

The loaded dataset can then be used to train an AR or BEAR model with the bear_net submodule:

bear_model.bear_net.train(data, num_kmers, epochs, ds_loc, alphabet, lag, make_ar_func, af_kwargs, learning_rate, optimizer_name, train_ar, acc_steps=1, params_restart=None, writer=None, loss_save=None, dtype=tf.float64)[source]

Train a BEAR or AR model using all available GPUs in parallel.

datatensorflow data object

Load sequence data using tools in Minibatch before passing.


Total number of kmers seen in data. Used to normalize estimate of loss.


Column in count data that corresponds with the training data.


One of ‘dna’, ‘rna’, ‘prot’.


Takes lag, alphabet_size, af_kwargs, dtype and returns an ar_func. See ar_funcs submodule.


Keyword arguments for particular ar_func. For example, filter_width.


For example ‘Adam’.


Whether to train an AR (True) or BEAR (False) model.

writertensorboard writer object, default = None
loss_savelist, default = None

Pass a list to have losses at each step appended to it.

acc_stepsint, default = 1

Number of steps to accumulate gradients over.

params_restartlist of tensorflow variables, default = None

Pass the parameter list from a previous run to restart training.

dtypedtype, default = tf.float64
params: list

List of parameters as tensorflow variables.


\(\log(h)\) where \(h\) is the BEAR concentration parameter.


The autoregressive function.

One then may evaluate the performance of the trained model:

bear_model.bear_net.evaluation(data, ds_loc_train, ds_loc_test, alphabet, h, ar_func, van_reg, dtype=tf.float64)[source]

Evaluate a trained BEAR, AR or BMM model. Can use multiple GPUs in parallel.

datatensorflow data object

Load sequence data using tools in Minibatch before passing.


Column in count data that corresponds with the training data. Set to -1 for conditioning on training data.


Column in count data that corresponds with the testing data.


One of ‘dna’, ‘rna’, ‘prot’.


The \(h\) parameter from the BEAR model.


A function that takes a tensor of shape [A1, …, An, lag, alphabet_size+1] of dtype and returns a tensor of shape [A1, …, An, alphabet_size+1] of dtype of transition probabilities for each kmer. The autoregressive function.

van_reg1D numpy or tensorflow array

Prior on vanilla BEAR model (Dirichlet concentration parameter).

dtypedtype, default = tf.float64
log_likelihood_ear, log_likelihood_arm, log_likelihood_vanfloat

Total log likelihood of the data with the model evaluated as a BEAR, AR or vanilla BEAR model.

perplexity_ear, perplexity_arm, perplexity_vanfloat

Perplexity of the data with the model evaluated as a BEAR, AR or vanilla BEAR model.

accuracy_ear, accuracy_arm, accuracy_vanfloat

Accuracy of the data with the model evaluated as a BEAR, AR or vanilla BEAR model. Ties in maximum model probability are resolved randomly.

One may also evaluate the performance of the trained BEAR model for mutiple values of the concentration parameter \(h\):

bear_model.bear_net.h_scan(data, ds_loc_train, ds_loc_test, alphabet, h, ar_func, dtype=tf.float64)[source]

Evaluate a trained BEAR model at multiple h values. Can use multiple GPUs in parallel.

datatensorflow data object

Load sequence data using tools in Minibatch before passing.


Column in count data that corresponds with the training data. Set to -1 for conditioning on training data.


Column in count data that corresponds with the testing data.


One of ‘dna’, ‘rna’, ‘prot’.


The \(h\) parameter from the BEAR model.


A function that takes a tensor of shape [A1, …, An, lag, alphabet_size+1] of dtype and returns a tensor of shape [A1, …, An, alphabet_size+1] of dtype of transition probabilities for each kmer. The autoregressive function.

dtypedtype, default = tf.float64
log_likelihood_ear, log_likelihood_arm, log_likelihood_vanfloat

Total log likelihood of the data with the model evaluated as a BEAR, AR or vanilla BEAR model.

perplexity_ear, perplexity_arm, perplexity_vanfloat

Perplexity of the data with the model evaluated as a BEAR, AR or vanilla BEAR model.

accuracy_ear, accuracy_arm, accuracy_vanfloat

Accuracy of the data with the model evaluated as a BEAR, AR or vanilla BEAR model. Ties in maximum model probability are resolved randomly.

To recover the concentration parameter/misspecification diagnostic \(h\) and the learned autoregressive function from the outputted list of parameters, use the change_scope_params function:

bear_model.bear_net.change_scope_params(lag, alphabet_size, make_ar_func, af_kwargs, params, dtype=tf.float64)[source]

Redefine and get parameters of BEAR or AR distribution in given scope.

Used to to get unmirrored variables after training on multiple GPUs in parallel or to unpack a list of params into h and the autoregressive function.


Takes lag, alphabet_size, af_kwargs, dtype and returns an ar_func.


Keyword arguments for particular ar_func. For example, filter_width.

params: list

List of parameters as tensorflow variables.

dtypedtype, default = tf.float64

dtype for the ar_func and h.


List of parameters as tensorflow variables.


\(\log(h)\) where \(h\) is the BEAR concentration parameter.


A function that takes a tensor of shape [A1, …, An, lag, alphabet_size+1] of dtype and returns a tensor of shape [A1, …, An, alphabet_size+1] of dtype of transition probabilities for each kmer. The autoregressive function.

To embed your own autoregressive function, create a new make_ar_func_... function using the examples bear_model.ar_funcs.make_ar_func_linear() and bear_model.ar_funcs.make_ar_func_cnn() as templates.


Besides standard autoregressive models like linear models and neural networks, one can also build an autoregressive model based on a reference genome. In particular, we can predict the next base by looking up the previous \(L\) bases \(k\) in the reference, normalizing the observed transition counts \(\#_{\text{ref}}(k,b)\) to form a probability, and accounting for noise using a Jukes-Cantor mutation model (with error rate \(\tau\)). This gives the autoregressive function

\[\tilde{f}_{k,b} = e^{-\tau}\frac{\#_{\text{ref}}(k,b)}{\sum_{b'\neq\$}\#_{\text{ref}}(k,b')}+\left(1-e^{-\tau}\right)\frac{1}{|\mathcal{B}|}\]

for \(b\neq\$\) and \(\tilde{f}_{k,\$}=0\), where \(\$\) is the stop symbol and \(|\mathcal{B}|\) is the alphabet size (excluding the stop symbol). When \(\sum_{b'\neq\$}\#_{\text{ref}}(k,b') = 0\), we default to \(\tilde{f}_{k,b} = 1/|\mathcal{B}|\). Reference genomes do not include stop symbols, and so do not provide predictions of read length; to account for this problem in a generalized way we introduce another AR function \(g\) and combine it with the reference-based prediction,

\[f_{k,b} = \nu g_{k,b} + (1-\nu)\tilde{f}_{k,b}\]

for some \(\nu\in(0, 1)\). The function \(g\) is typically chosen to predict a stop symbol with probability 1; this particular function is implemented in bear_model.ar_funcs.make_ar_func_stop(). To train the model efficiently, we preprocess the reference sequence along with the training and testing data, such that \(\#_{\text{ref}}\) forms a column of the summarized data. The submodule bear_ref trains this reference-based BEAR model, optimizing the hyperparameters \(\tau\) and \(\nu\) as well as any additional parameters in \(g\).

bear_model.bear_ref.train(data, num_kmers, epochs, ds_loc, ds_loc_ref, alphabet, lag, make_ar_func, af_kwargs, learning_rate, optimizer_name, train_ar, acc_steps=1, params_restart=None, writer=None, loss_save=None, dtype=tf.float64)[source]

Train a BEAR or AR model based on reference transition counts using all available GPUs in parallel.

datatensorflow data object

Load sequence data using tools in Minibatch before passing.


Total number of kmers seen in the data. Used to normalize estimate of loss.


Column in count data that corresponds with the training data.


Column in count data that corresponds with the reference data.


One of ‘dna’, ‘rna’, ‘prot’.


Takes lag, alphabet_size, af_kwargs, dtype and returns an ar_func. See ar_funcs submodule.


Keyword arguments for particular ar_func. For example, filter_width.


For example ‘Adam’.


Whether to train an AR (True) or BEAR (False) model.

writertensorboard writer object, default = None
loss_savelist, default = None

Pass a list to have losses at each step appended to it.

acc_stepsint, default = 1

Number of steps to accumulate gradients over.

params_restartlist of tensorflow variables, default = None

Pass the parameter list from a previous run to restart training.

dtypedtype, default=tf.float64
params: list

List of parameters as tensorflow variables.


\(\log(h)\) where \(h\) is the BEAR concentration parameter.


The autoregressive function.

The functions bear_model.bear_ref.evaluate() and bear_model.bear_net.change_scope_params() are analogous to the functions in bear_net with the same names.

Getting probabilities of mutations

Having trained a BEAR or BMM model using bear_net (bear_ref not yet supported) one can calculate the probability of new sequences or the probability of mutations to a wild type sequence using the get_var_probs submodule:. One can do this by sampling AR models from BEAR and calculating probabilities ffor each of these AR models, or by simply calculating the probabilities under the MAP model under a BEAR or BMM model. One may calculaate the probability fo given sequences:

bear_model.get_var_probs.get_bear_probs_seqs(bear_path, seqs, train_col, mc_samples=41, vans=[0.1, 1, 10], get_map=False, get_marg=False, lag=None, alphabet_name=None, h=None, data=None, kmc_path=None, kmc_reverse=False, no_ends=False)[source]

Sample posterior predictive probabilities of variants under BEAR by looping through batches of kmers.


Path to folder of trained BEAR model. None if using BMM.


List of sequences to get probabilities of. Must not be bytes!


Row of counts data that includes the training data

mc_samplesint, default = 41

Number of samples to take from the posterior predictive of the mutation probabilities.

vansnumpy array, default = [0.1, 1, 10]

vanilla regularization to use for BMM models.

get_mapbool, default=False

Gets the probability of the mutations under the MAP model under BEAR instead of sampling models from BEAR.

get_margbool, default= False

Gets posterior predictive probability exactly instead of sampling AR models.

lagint, default = None

Specify if not using BEAR.

alphabet_name :str, default = None

Specify if not using BEAR.

hnumpy array

For h scans if bear_folder is specified. None if using fit BEAR h.

datatf dataset

Generator of kmers and counts. Specify if not using BEAR.


Specify the path kmc files if one wishes to use kmc to count kmers instead of cycling through whole dataset.

kmc_reversebool, default=False

Whether to include counts of the reverse complement of kmers when counting using kmc.

no_ends: bool, default=False

Whether or not to include starts and stops in probability calculations.

scoresnumpy array of floats

[num sequences, num models (whather or not to use BEAR + len(vans)), mc_samples].

or a list of mutations of a wild type sequence:

bear_model.get_var_probs.get_bear_probs(bear_path, wt_seq, vars_, train_col, mc_samples=41, vans=[0.1, 1, 10], get_map=False, lag=None, alphabet_name=None, h=None, data=None, kmc_path=None, kmc_reverse=False, kmc_no_end=False)[source]

Sample posterior predictive probabilities of variants under BEAR by looping through batches of kmers.


Path to folder of trained BEAR model. None if using BMM.


Wild type sequence. Must not be bytes!

vars_numpy array of str

List of SNPs. Of the format (wt_aa) (position in wt_seq without start symbols) (var_aa) without spaces or barckets. For example [‘A0T’,’C45G’]. Must not be bytes!


Row of counts data that includes the training data

mc_samplesint, default = 41

Number of samples to take from the posterior predictive of the mutation probabilities.

vansnumpy array, default = [0.1, 1, 10]

vanilla regularization to use for BMM models.


Gets the probability of the mutations under the MAP model under BEAR instead of sampling models from BEAR.

lagint, default = None

Specify if not using BEAR.

alphabet_name :str, default = None

Specify if not using BEAR.

hnumpy array

For h scans if bear_folder is specified. None if using fit BEAR h.

datatf dataset

Generator of kmers and counts. Specify if not using BEAR.


Specify the path kmc files if one wishes to use kmc to count kmers instead of cycling through whole dataset.

kmc_reversebool, default=False

Whether to include counts of the reverse complement of kmers when counting using kmc.

kmc_no_endbool, default=False

Whether to not include ends in variant probability changes in KMC.

scoresnumpy array of floats

[num variants, num models ((1 for the AR model if using BEAR and get_MAP=True) + len(hs) + len(vans)), mc_samples].

Example BEAR models

We have also written scripts that will perform the above workflow - loading data, training, evaluating, and saving the list of parameters using dill - with parameters specified in a config file. Config files contain information about the training and testing data; parameters for training and testing; and parameters of the AR model. Example config files may be found in bear_model/models/config_files. Descriptions of the outputs of these scripts in given in the tutorial below.


Train and evaluate AR or BEAR models using maximal liklihood or empirical Bayes respectively. Usage:

python config.cfg

Example config files, with descriptions of the input parameters, can be found in the subfolder bear_model/models/config_files (bear_lin_bear.cfg, bear_lin_ar.cfg, bear_cnn_bear.cfg, and bear_cnn_ar.cfg).


Train and evaluate AR or BEAR models that require a reference using maximal liklihood or empirical Bayes respectively. Train reference-based Bayesian embedded autoregressive models using empirical Bayes, and evaluate based on heldout likelihood, perplexity, and accuracy. Usage:

python config.cfg

Example config files, with descriptions of the input parameters, can be found in the subfolder bear_model/models/config_files (bear_stop_bear.cfg and bear_stop_ar.cfg).

If the data includes a reference, the same config file may be used by either of the above scripts, with the specified AR model interpreted as \(g\) when used with bear_model/models/ These scripts are easiest to use through the command line, as shown in the tutorial below.


In this tutorial, we will apply BEAR models to whole genome sequencing data from the Salmonella bacteriophage YSD1. The data and the reference assembly are from Dunstan et al. (2019); the NCBI SRA record is here.

Part 1: preprocessing

First, navigate to the folder bear_model and download the example dataset and extract its contents (we assume throughout that you are in the bear_model folder).


tar -xvf ysd1_example.tar.gz -C data

There should now be five data files in the data subfolder, corresponding to training sequence data (1_train.fasta and 2_train.fasta), testing data (1_test.fasta and 2_test.fasta), and the genome reference assembly (virus_reference.fna). The file datalist.csv lists the dataset paths, data types (all fasta), and the data groups (training, testing, and reference). We provide datalist.csv as input to the summary statistic script,

python data/datalist.csv data/ysd1 -l 5

This extracts kmer transition counts up to lag 5 (inclusive). The counts for each lag will be found in the files data/ysd1_lag_1_file_0.tsv, data/ysd1_lag_2_file_0.tsv, data/ysd1_lag_3_file_0.tsv, data/ysd1_lag_4_file_0.tsv, and data/ysd1_lag_5_file_0.tsv. Each line consists of an individual kmer and the transition counts in each data group. Finally, before training a non-vanilla BEAR model, datasets should be shuffled. In Linux,

shuf data/ysd1_lag_5_file_0.tsv -o data/ysd1_lag_5_file_0_shuf.tsv

On a Mac, replace shuf with gshuf (you may first need to install GNU coreutils, via e.g. brew install coreutils). Note that shuffling is done in memory, so when using large lags on large datasets, you can use the -mf flag in to ensure its output files are sufficiently small. A preshuffled dataset is provided in the file models/data/ysd1_lag_5_file_0_preshuf.tsv to ensure that part 2 of this tutorial is reproducible and can be run independently of KMC.

Part 2: training

Now we can train AR or BEAR model via maximal likelihood or empirical Bayes respectively. We will be using Config files for training three different AR models and their corresponding BEAR model can be found in the folder bear_model/models/config_files. You can run these examples on your own shuffled dataset from part 1 by editing the config files to set start_token = ysd1_lag_5_file_0_shuf.tsv; by default the config files use the example preshuffled file. Note that in these examples we fix the model lag at the small value of 5 so that it can be trained quickly; normally we would choose the lag based on maximum marginal likelihood. All 6 config files use the same training protocol and differ only in the AR functions they use (see config file section [model]) and whether they are BEAR or AR models (see config file entry train_ar). To run the examples, move to the bear_models directory and run the following:

Linear AR python models/ models/config_files/bear_lin_ar.cfg

CNN AR python models/ models/config_files/bear_cnn_ar.cfg

Reference AR python models/ models/config_files/bear_stop_ar.cfg

Linear BEAR python models/ models/config_files/bear_lin_bear.cfg

CNN BEAR python models/ models/config_files/bear_cnn_bear.cfg

Reference BEAR python models/ models/config_files/bear_stop_bear.cfg

Each example should not take more than a few minutes to run. The scripts each output a folder named with the time at which they were run in out_data/logs (two folders may already be present if you tested your installation). This output folders contains:

  • A progress file that can be used to visualize the training curve using TensorBoard.

  • A config file that consists of the input config file appended with the training results, in the section [results]. (Note that even when the BEAR model is the model that is trained, the perplexity, log likelihood and accuracy of the embedded AR model and vanilla BEAR model (BMM) are also reported; when the AR model is trained, the performance of the corresponding BEAR model with \(h=1\) is reported.)

  • A pickle file with the learned hyperparameters. These hyperparameters can be recovered using the dill package.

The performance results from these example models should match closely the following table:





Linear AR








Reference AR








Linear BEAR








Reference BEAR




A few things to note from looking at the results:

  • In the paper we used a lag of 13 for this dataset, chosen by maximum marginal likelihood. Here, using a lag of 5, the perplexities are much larger and the \(h\) values are much smaller. This is due to the fact that the closest (in KL) AR model of lag 5, unsurprisingly, has a much larger perplexity than the lag 13 model, and is also much closer to the linear and CNN models.

  • As demonstrated in the paper, with enough data, the relative benefit of the BEAR over the vanilla BEAR is minimal. Since the lag is only 5 in this example, the data is sufficiently large (relative to the model flexibility) to make this true. However, the BEAR still outperforms the vanilla BEAR in the fifth or sixth decimal space (not shown in table).

  • The value of \(h\) is in proportion to expected misspecification of the parametric AR model. Interestingly in this simple case, unlike most example datasets in the publication, the CNN is better specified than the reference (\(h=0.0116\) versus \(h=0.0142\)). Running a reference model with \(g\) set to a CNN, via python config_files/bear_cnn_bear.cfg, yields an even lower \(h=0.00422\), suggesting the two models learn complementary information.

  • The learned stop rate \(\nu\) in the reference AR model is near 151 (not shown in table). 150 is the read length, so 1/151 transitions are stops on average.

  • Embedded AR models trained in the context of a BEAR model produce better BEAR models than AR models trained using maximum likelihood (not shown in table). The same is true for AR models trained using maximal likelihood and evaluated as AR models rather than as BEAR models.